Call for Extensions

The 2025 Transformation Tool Contest (TTC) seeks your own spins of four interesting model transformation problems. The deadline for solution descriptions is Mon 7 Apr 2025, immediately followed by a round of open peer reviewing. As in previous editions, solution descriptions will be published in a post-proceedings volume, and lead to continued collaboration for producing a per-case journal article.

About TTC

The aim of this event is to compare the expressiveness, the usability and the performance of graph, model and program transformation tools along a number of selected case studies. A deeper understanding of the relative merits of different tool features will help to further improve transformation tools and to indicate open problems.

This contest is the fifteenth of its kind (after an AGTiVE 2007 session, as GraBaTs 2008 and 2009 contests, and the TTC 2010, 2011, 2013--2021 contests). For the eighth time, the contest is co-located with several leading software engineering conferences as part of the Software Technologies: Applications and Foundations (STAF) federation. Teams from the major international research groups in the development and use of transformation tools are expected to participate in the TTC again.

Solutions to older cases

Transformation tools have evolved and continue to evolve, but use cases of the past are still relevant. To foster a culture of community-accepted benchmarks, the TTC now also accepts submissions that solve older cases. References to prior cases can be found here. Please note that for solutions to these prior cases, we expect solution authors to compare their solutions with other existing solutions.

Submissions of solutions to past cases will undergo the same peer-review process as solutions to the selected case from the past year. We will try to have the solution submission reviewed by of the original case authors or original solution authors.

Solutions should be submitted via Easychair by TBA. Before the same deadline, each case study solution (tool, project files, documentation) should be made available for review and demonstration via a public version control repository (e.g. on Github or Bitbucket). Docker Hub images would be highly appreciated as well.

Publication Procedure

For TTC 2025 there will be several publication opportunities:

  • There will be formal contest proceedings. Solution submitters have to consider and address the opponents' statements. The resulting solution papers will be reviewed by the TTC program committee. A selection of revised solution papers together with the case descriptions will be published in the contest proceedings.
  • New solutions or significant improvements to existing solutions may also lead to new joint (journal) papers for the case, especially if such a paper was not successful due to an unsufficient amount of solutions in the past.